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亿俐缇货运品牌:Elite global cargo brand 亿俐缇货运,根深于项目、专线、门到门 为我们的品牌导向、辅助普货发展,巩固亿俐缇货运上游下游兼备的平台。 亿俐缇的发展 获取阿联酋迪拜、巴林、卡塔尔多哈、中东片区国际运输代理资质 建立珠全球合作运输代理伙伴100多个; 在中国建立15个区域性中转枢纽,各省市可提供国际进出口操作服务网络,分别加大广州、深圳、浙江、北京,成都机场的空港服务,在全国进行营销。 迪拜总部,全力关注中东阿联酋航空,固定量仓位销售平台。 成就亿俐缇迪拜总部多条专线,双清、到门、派送服务专业营运商。 亿俐缇货运 全国性 服务网络 亿俐缇货运服务网络具有服务标准统一、服务质量稳定、安全性能高等显著优点,能~~程度地保障客户利益。自成立以来,服务网络:从华南先后扩展至华东、华北、东北、华中、西南、从大陆延展到香港,阿联酋、巴林、卡塔尔、科威特、沙特。 亿俐缇货运在海外 亿俐缇货运,用“专业服务”态度,把服务延伸到中东,非洲,欧洲,南美洲,澳洲,服务区域覆盖了160多个国家的主要运输区域。 亿俐缇货运愿景 让亿俐缇货运成员与客户实现事业与财富的梦想。 elite global cargo grow up history Years 2006--2009 approved by as forwarder agent in dubai , bahrain and Qatar build up 100 connecting destination poin around global worldnetwork. we provide 15 connecting destination inchina, provide city pick up for exporting, seperately focus on guangzhou,shenzhen, zhejiang, beijing, chengdu as major sending goods airport . weprovide service around mainland of china. years 2010--2012 elite global cargo headqutar in dubai,start to put efforts on EK service selling plan, and fix stable cargo serviceto our door to door clients. years 2013 we findaly make it possible and to be oneof strong operating company to do door to door service form mailand of china ,included duty/tax, delivery to middle east . elite global cargo, national servivenetwork elite global cargo provide standard,stable,high quality network service to our clients,since we start our business, wealready make fast step to develop our service to north of china, particularlyeast part of china, south of china, from mainland of china also linking tohongkong, middle east such emirate, bahrain, qatar,kuwait and saudi arabia. Elite global cargo oversea markeitng elite global cargo using professionalattitude to provice service to middle east, afirica, europe and south america,australia, connecting more than 160 countries logistics service area. 商铺网址:http://elite2927775340.cn.vooec.com |